
Sunday Feb 28, 2021
Episode 115: Special Relativity Part 2
Sunday Feb 28, 2021
Sunday Feb 28, 2021
In the second and final part of this series, I discuss the major consequences of special relativity, including the relativity of simultaneity, time dilation, length contraction, and mass-energy equivalence. I then provide an overview of some of the experimental tests of special relativity, and conclude with an analysis of some alleged paradoxes in relativity, including the twins paradox, and the ladder paradox. Recommended pre-listening is Episode 114: Special Relativity Part 1.
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Monday Feb 08, 2021
Episode 114: Special Relativity Part 1
Monday Feb 08, 2021
Monday Feb 08, 2021
The first of a two part series on special relativity, I provide a brief overview of the historical development of relativity theory, including a discussion of the role of the Michelson-Morley experiment, and considerations from classical electromagnetism. I then outline Einstein's two postulates, discuss their meaning, and provide some explanation for how to interpret a constant speed of light. I also provide an introduction to Lorentz transformations and the notion of spacetime. Recommended pre-listening is Episode 13: Newtonian Mechanics.
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Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
Special Episode: Visual Processing in Mice
Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
I discuss the methods and results of my Master's Thesis, in which I analysed electrophysiological data of the mouse visual system using a variety of statistical and computational techniques. I consider some of the major research questions addressed in my work, including population encoding, stimulus representation, neural network modelling, and state space modelling of information transformation. Recommended pre-listening is Episode 113: Visual Processing.
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Monday Dec 07, 2020
Episode 113: Visual Processing
Monday Dec 07, 2020
Monday Dec 07, 2020
A discussion of higher-order processing of information in the visual system, including an overview of how the brain extracts edges and basic shapes from simple stimuli in the retina, how motion is detected, how parts of objects are distinguished, how object recognition occurs, and the differences between grandmother cell and distributed processing theories of neural encoding. Recommended pre-listening is Episode 47: Vision Part III.
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Sunday Nov 01, 2020
Episode 112: Introduction to Microbiology
Sunday Nov 01, 2020
Sunday Nov 01, 2020
An overview of the field of microbiology, beginning with a brief history of the discipline, and then proceeding through a summary of the structure and function of various microbial life forms, including protists, yeasts, bacteria, archaea, viruses, and prions. The episode concludes with a discussion of microbial growth and methods to reduce it. Recommended pre-listening is Episode 10: The Cell.
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Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Episode 111: Plate Tectonics
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
An introduction to the theory of plate tectonics, beginning with an overview of the internal structure of Earth, the differences between oceanic and continental crust, subduction and other forms of plate boundaries, the formation of volcanic arcs, the origin of the Earth's magnetic field, and the mechanisms underlying tectonic plate movement. The episode concludes with a summary of the varies lines of evidence in favour of continental drift, including seafloor spread, biogeography, and polar wandering. Recommended prelistening is Episode 74: Minerals and Rocks.
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Sunday Aug 30, 2020
Episode 110: Weather Part II
Sunday Aug 30, 2020
Sunday Aug 30, 2020
Building on the basic concepts discussed in the previous episode, this episode examines the formation and development of a wide range of weather phenomena, including air fronts, midlatitude cyclones, tropical cyclones, thunderstorms, and tornadoes. Recommended pre-listening is Episode 109: Weather Part I.
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Sunday Aug 02, 2020
Episode 109: Weather Part I
Sunday Aug 02, 2020
Sunday Aug 02, 2020
An introduction to key concepts relevant to understanding weather, including relative and absolute humidity, atmospheric stability, cloud formation and classification, types of precipitation, and the formation and classification of air masses. Recommended pre-listening is Episode 90: Climate Systems.
If you enjoyed the podcast please consider supporting the show by making a paypal donation or becoming a patreon supporter.

Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
Episode 108: Political Institutions and Sustained Economic Growth
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
In this sixth and final part in our series on economic growth and development, I discuss in more detail some of the key institutions necessary for economic growth to begin, focusing on property rights, enforcement of contracts, and control of corruption. I review the importance of these institutions in the context of historical case studies of countries ranging from the Soviet Union to Mexico, and outline how the most critical institutions vary with the level of development, giving rise to a middle income trap. I also discuss the Washington Consensus and critically analyse the arguments of critics that such institutional reform is not essential for growth. I conclude with a summary of all we have learned and discussed throughout the growth series. The recommended pre-listening is Episode 107: Economic Growth and Development Part V.
If you enjoyed the podcast please consider supporting the show by making a paypal donation or becoming a patreon supporter.

Monday Jun 15, 2020
Episode 107: Cultural, Geographic, and Political Explanations of Poverty
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Monday Jun 15, 2020
In this fifth part of our series on economic growth and development, I examine the major factors that have been advanced as explaining differences in growth outcomes between countries. I provide a summary of the arguments and evidence for and against the importance of culture, dependency, democracy, geography, education, and institutions in accounting for differential growth outcomes, and conclude with a comparative empirical analysis in which I argue that institutional differences explain the majority of growth differences. The Recommended pre-listening is Episode 106: Economic Growth and Development Part IV.
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