
Monday Jun 20, 2011
Episode 18: Biochemistry Basics
Monday Jun 20, 2011
Monday Jun 20, 2011
An overview of biochemistry, covering the basic properties, structure and functions of nucleic acids, lipids, carbohydrates and proteins. Also includes a discussion of the nature of organic molecules and the importance of carbon in living organisms. Recommended pre-listening is Episode 15: Chemical Bonding.

Thursday Jun 16, 2011
Episode 19: Market Failure
Thursday Jun 16, 2011
Thursday Jun 16, 2011
A discussion of the principal circumstances in which markets do not produce an optimal outcome. After formally defining market failure, I discuss the ‘big four’ market failures of market power, externalities, public goods and asymmetric information. I conclude with a brief look at transaction costs. Recommended pre-listening is Episode 12: The Price System.

Sunday Apr 03, 2011
Episode 17: Energy, Work and Momentum
Sunday Apr 03, 2011
Sunday Apr 03, 2011
An overview of the basic concepts of linear momentum, angular momentum, work and energy. Includes a discussion of the conservation of momentum, why the concept is needed, and some applications of the concept to collisions and rotating objects. The nature of energy is also discussed, along with the different forms of energy, and how the concepts of energy and work are related.

Sunday Mar 06, 2011
Episode 16: Profits and Competition
Sunday Mar 06, 2011
Sunday Mar 06, 2011
A discussion of the importance of the profit motive and freedom of competition in the efficient operation of a market economy. Includes an overview of the uniformity of profit principle, and an examination of how competition serves as both an opportunity and a disciplining agent for entrepreneurs and firms, thus promoting useful innovations while weeding out bad ideas.

Saturday Feb 19, 2011
Episode 15: Chemical Bonding
Saturday Feb 19, 2011
Saturday Feb 19, 2011
An overview of how atoms bond together to form different chemical substances, including a discussion of the tree main types of bonds (covalent, ionic, and metallic), and the relationship of these bonding types to the concept of electronegativity. I also discuss the difference between polar and non-polar bonds, and conclude with some interesting applications of bonding theory to understanding the properties of materials.

Monday Feb 07, 2011
Episode 14: Principles of Quantum Mechanics
Monday Feb 07, 2011
Monday Feb 07, 2011
An introduction to the key principles of quantum mechanics, beginning with an examination of the quantum-mechanical description of the behaviour of electrons around atomic nuclei. This is followed by an overview of some of the other major principles of quantum theory, including the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, the Pauli Exclusion Principle, quantum tunnelling and entanglement. The episode concludes with a discussion of alternative interpretations of these quantum phenomena. Recommended pre-listening is Episode 8: The Atom.

Friday Jan 21, 2011
Episode 13: Newtonian Mechanics
Friday Jan 21, 2011
Friday Jan 21, 2011
An introduction to basic Newtonian Physics, including a discussion of forces, velocity, acceleration, Newton’s three laws of motion, and some common misconceptions about forces. We also discuss circular motion and conclude with a brief look at the physics of walking and driving a car.

Thursday Jan 06, 2011
Episode 12: The Price System
Thursday Jan 06, 2011
Thursday Jan 06, 2011
An examination of how the price system works, including an introduction to supply and demand theory, and the concepts of clearing the market and surplus maximisation. We also look at how the price system promotes efficiency helps to regulate economic activity. Also includes a discussion of how prices store and communicate economic information.

Thursday Dec 09, 2010
Episode 11: The Origin of the Universe
Thursday Dec 09, 2010
Thursday Dec 09, 2010
An overview of the chaotic inflationary theory for the origin of the universe, including a discussion of the inflaton field, quantum fluctuations, spontaneous symmetry breaking, and the zero net energy of the universe. Also includes a discussion of multiverse theory and the fine-tuning paradox.

Sunday Nov 21, 2010
Episode 10: The Cell
Sunday Nov 21, 2010
Sunday Nov 21, 2010
An overview of the structure and function of cells, as well as their discovery, size, and classifications. Organelles discussed include the nucleus, plasma membrane, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, Golgi apparatus, and mitochondria. Also includes with a brief discussion of the unique properties of plant cells.
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