
Wednesday Jan 25, 2012
Episode 29: Operant Conditioning
Wednesday Jan 25, 2012
Wednesday Jan 25, 2012
Continuing on from episode 28 on Classical Conditioning, in this episode I discuss another form of learning called Operant Conditioning, including the concepts of reinforcers, punishers, shaping, and schedules of reinforcement. I then apply Operant Conditioning theory to understand phenomena such as animal training and how punishments can be effectively used. The episode concludes with a brief look at a third form of learning, Observational Learning.

Saturday Jan 07, 2012
Episode 28: Classical Conditioning
Saturday Jan 07, 2012
Saturday Jan 07, 2012
A discussion of classical conditioning, including an analysis of its key components of the conditioned and unconditioned stimuli and responses, the acquisition process, extinction, recovery, generalization, and discrimination. I also discuss some applications of classical conditioning to understand a wide variety of behaviors, including taste aversion, drug tolerance, sexual fetishes, and emotional responses.

Wednesday Dec 28, 2011
Episode 27: Intermolecular Bonds and Phase Transitions
Wednesday Dec 28, 2011
Wednesday Dec 28, 2011
An explanation of the forces and mechanisms of intermolecular bonding, including dispersion forces, dipole-dipole bonding and hydrogen bonds, with an application of these mechanisms in analysing surface tension. This is followed by a discussion of how phase transitions occur, focusing on evaporation, condensation, boiling and melting. Recommended pre-listening is Episode 15: Chemical Bonding.

Wednesday Dec 21, 2011
Episode 26: Human Organ Systems
Wednesday Dec 21, 2011
Wednesday Dec 21, 2011
A brief overview of all the human organ systems, including their major components and functions. Also includes an examination of how the organ systems work together to promote the proper functioning of the organism. Recommended pre-listening is Episode 25: Organs, Tissues and Systems.

Sunday Dec 11, 2011
Episode 25: Organs, Tissues and Systems
Sunday Dec 11, 2011
Sunday Dec 11, 2011
An overview of the various levels of biological organisation, from the atomic and molecular level through cells, tissues, organs, and up to populations and ecosystems. Also includes a more detailed examination of the structure and function of the four main types of human tissue, including epithelial, connective, muscle and nervous tissues.

Tuesday Nov 29, 2011
Episode 24: Vibrations and Waves
Tuesday Nov 29, 2011
Tuesday Nov 29, 2011
An overview of the basic principles of wave phenomena, including a definition of waves, a discussion of wave mediums, wavelength, frequency and amplitude. I also discuss a variety of interesting wave behaviours including interference, polarization, resonance, reflection, absorption, refraction, diffraction and standing waves. This episode will form the foundation for later discussion of sound and light.

Friday Sep 23, 2011
Episode 23: Chemical Reactions
Friday Sep 23, 2011
Friday Sep 23, 2011
An introduction to chemical reactions, including an overview of chemical equations, stoichiometry, thermochemistry, and reversible reactions. Also includes a discussion of collision theory to explain how and why chemical reactions occur.

Sunday Jul 31, 2011
Episode 22: Our Place in the Cosmos
Sunday Jul 31, 2011
Sunday Jul 31, 2011
A journey through Earth’s location in the universe, including a discussion of the Earth-moon system, the sun and planets of the solar system, nearby stars, the Milky Way Galaxy, the Local Group, clusters and superclusters, the large-scale structure of the universe, and speculations as to what may lie beyond.

Wednesday Jul 13, 2011
Episode 21: Introduction to Evolution
Wednesday Jul 13, 2011
Wednesday Jul 13, 2011
An introduction to the basic concepts of biological evolution, including an overview of Charles Darwin’s contributions, a discussion of heredity, a summary of all the major evolutionary mechanisms, and a review of all the major lines of evidence supporting evolutionary theory.

Wednesday Jun 29, 2011
Episode 20: The Reliability of Memory
Wednesday Jun 29, 2011
Wednesday Jun 29, 2011
An analysis of the various biases that effect the accuracy of human memory, including a discussion of spatial memory distortions, the impact of schema on memory, source monitoring failure, and the misinformation effect. I also discuss the interesting research regarding false memories, eyewitness memory, and flashbulb memories.
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