
Thursday Dec 06, 2012
Episode 39: Sovereignty and the State
Thursday Dec 06, 2012
Thursday Dec 06, 2012
An overview of the state as understood in political science, including a discussion of the meaning of terms like ‘state’, ‘country’ and ‘nation’, and a summary of some of the different types of states, including unitary, federal, and confederal. I also discuss some of the core principles of government in modern states, including sovereignty, the rule of law, separation of powers, and separation of church and state.

Friday Nov 30, 2012
Episode 38: Neurons and Synapses
Friday Nov 30, 2012
Friday Nov 30, 2012
A discussion of the neuron, the fundamental cell of the brain and the nervous system, including an overview of its morphology and physiology. I also discuss the generation and propagation of action potentials, including the role of graded potentials, voltage-dependant ion channels, and myelination. The episode concludes with an overview of synapses and the important role of neurotransmitters.

Friday Nov 23, 2012
Episode 37: Oxidation and Reduction
Friday Nov 23, 2012
Friday Nov 23, 2012
An overview of oxidation, reduction, and redox reactions, including a discussion of the definitions of these basic concepts, and an explanation of how they relate to oxidation number and electronegativity. We then apply these concepts to several common examples of redox reactions, including combustion, rust, batteries, fuel cells, and respiration.

Sunday Aug 12, 2012
Episode 36: Consumer Choice Theory
Sunday Aug 12, 2012
Sunday Aug 12, 2012
A discussion of the theory of consumer choice in economics, including an outline of consumer preferences and the axiomatic assumptions economists make about them, a discussion of the realism of these assumptions, and an explanation of how preferences are used to derive consumer utility functions and demand curves. These basic concepts are then applied to understand consumer behaviour in an analysis of substitution and income effects, complementary and substitute goods, and elasticity of demand. Recommended prerequisites include Episode 12: The Price System and Episode 16: Profits and Competition.

Tuesday Jul 03, 2012
Episode 35: DNA Structure and Function Part 2
Tuesday Jul 03, 2012
Tuesday Jul 03, 2012
Continuing on from episode 34, I discuss in detail the processes of DNA replication, transcription from DNA to RNA, and the translation of RNA to proteins. In doing so I examine the molecules and structures involved, the mechanisms of their operation, and how all the processes work together to facilitate the production of proteins from DNA.

Saturday Jun 30, 2012
Episode 34: DNA Structure and Function Part 1
Saturday Jun 30, 2012
Saturday Jun 30, 2012
In part 1 of this two-part episode, I discuss the double helix shape of DNA, the structure of nucleotides, base-paring between nitrogenous bases, the genetic code, codons, DNA reading frames, the one-gene one-polypeptide hypothesis, and the Central Dogma of Molecular Biology. This basic structural knowledge will provide the basis for a more detailed discussion of the processes of DNA replication, transcription and translation in part 2 of this topic. Recommended background knowledge of episodes 10 (The Cell) and 18 (Biochemistry Basics).

Friday Jun 22, 2012
Episode 33: Disturbing Social Psychology Experiments
Friday Jun 22, 2012
Friday Jun 22, 2012
A discussion of three of the most chilling experiments in the field of social psychology: the Ash Conformity Experiment, the Stanford Prison Experiment, and the Milgram Obedience Experiment. In each case I discuss the motivation and setup of the experiment, outline the results, discuss replications and variations of the original experiment, and end with a look at the implications of the experiment for understanding the darker side of human nature.

Sunday Apr 15, 2012
Episode 32: Light and Optics
Sunday Apr 15, 2012
Sunday Apr 15, 2012
A discussion of the nature of light and its interactions with matter, including a journey through the history of our understanding of light from Newton’s corpuscular theory through early wave theory and up to the modern wave-particle duality understanding. Following this is an analysis of the various ways light interacts with matter, including absorption, reflection, transmission, refraction, dispersion, and transparency.

Sunday Apr 01, 2012
Episode 31: Solutions and Mixtures
Sunday Apr 01, 2012
Sunday Apr 01, 2012
An analysis of liquids and their behaviour when mixed with other substances, incorporating a look at solutions, mixtures, colloids and suspensions. Special emphasis is placed on solutions, with a more detailed discussion of solubility, saturation, molarity and bubble formation.

Friday Feb 24, 2012
Episode 30: Systems of Government
Friday Feb 24, 2012
Friday Feb 24, 2012
An overview of the various forms of government that have existed throughout history and across the world, including a discussion of anarchy, democracy, monarchy, autocracy, and various forms of oligarchy, giving some key characteristics and important examples of each. Also includes an introduction to the principles of classification and political comparison.
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